K Nearest Neighbors based TFJS Project
This is a simple TFJS project implementing K-Nearest-Neighbors(KNN) Algorithm. This project is built for training purposes. I use this project to teach basics of TFJS in my seminars.
Name: Omkar Agrawal
Profile: Freelancer
Email: omkar3654@gmail.com
Languages & Tools
An undergrad, a realist and a tea-o-holic. Tech enthu dipped into 99% concentration of physics. Talk to me on science, tech and politics and we can talk for days.
I am a freelance fullstack developer. Work majorly in Javascript, focusing on backend. Get's the work done. Can work with Python and .Net. Interested in ML. Anime lover, listening to EDMs and classical Indians.
श्रीमद् भगवद्गीता | अध्याय ६ श्लोक ५
उद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत् |
आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मन: ||
Hindi Translation:
श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता | अध्याय ६ श्लोक ५
अपने द्वारा अपना उद्धार करे, अपना पतन न करे; क्योंकि आप ही अपना मित्र है और आप
ही अपना शत्रु है।
English Translation:
Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta | Chapter 6, Verse
A person can rise through the efforts of his own mind; or draw himself down, in
the same manner. Because each person is his own friend or enemy.
During the period, I worked on the following activities: - Architected various report and system optimization using streams and query optimizations. - Built a sub-divisional product for partnership from scratch. - Developed the Novio App from scratch, encompassing tasks such as database design, system architecture, and more.
During my Freelance period, I work on the following activities: - I worked as a freelance Fullstack developer for My Fitness gym - Also worked as a Backend developer for Certification Verification system built for startup StudentsConnect and Infikey.
Following are the responsibilities assigned to me as a Intern: - I worked as a fullstack developer. - I was the sole developer on the project of Legasis Partners - Also worked on websites for Business of Ideas.
Featured Projects
This is a simple TFJS project implementing K-Nearest-Neighbors(KNN) Algorithm. This project is built for training purposes. I use this project to teach basics of TFJS in my seminars.
Engineered, developed and managed
certificate verification
portal project as a freelancer for Ali Mustufa
(visit iali.dev). To try this out click on this
block, and enter 00000000 (8 times the number 0). Project is built in
Nodejs using Express.js and HTML/CSS/JS.
To brief it, the admin side has 2 sides.
1) The page where one can manually enter details for generating a single certificate.
2) The page where one can upload an excel sheet (.xlsx) to the portal and it automatically
updates database.
All the APIs have been built and tested using postman.
There's a lot of services I like reading up on throughout the day. Most of these services have dedicated apps for consuming them, but often times I just want to skim the front page and only deep dive occasionally. Enter CatchUp: a high level presentation of the "front page" of several services in short form, and intelligent deeplinking into dedicated apps if you want to go further.